I think everyone does the cleanse differently, I ate a lot of boiled eggs. Below is a example of someone else. I suggest that a couple days before the cleanse you go to your grocery store or farmers market and select items that will help you get the results you want/need during the cleanse.
If you have good food in the house - you'll eat good food!
What does one eat on a cleanse?
Posted on by krittie on her blog. healthykrit@gmail.com
I am sure that thought has entered your mind a time or two…. if not it doesn’t matter because it’s what I am writing about today
So, as you all know I am currently on a 10 day cleanse. The cleanse is not what you would think AKA it doesn’t make you go to the bathroom! The cleanse I am currently on is part of the Well line made by Advocare .
My brother and sister-in-law are the ones who turned me on to Advocare. I really enjoy the products because they are natural and safe. I wanted to try the herbal cleanse because I had never done one before and I wanted to get the bad toxins out of my body. I was a little nervous to try the product because I was afraid I would be in the bathroom all day-and this is not the case at all!
The AdvoCare Herbal Cleanse system is supposed to help rid your body of toxins and waste with its unique blend of herbal ingredients. It is a 10-day system that guides you day by day through the steps for thorough internal cleansing and improved digestion.
I thought I would be crazy hungry on the system because it does recommend that you remove bad carbs and dairy from your diet while on the cleanse. It has been shown that these two items can delay the cleansing process and not be as effective. The first day I was on the system, I didn’t think it was working at all! Then, I found out that I wasn’t supposed to eat dairy or bad carbs while on the system. The next day, I followed the system to a tee and noticed the difference. I had more energy and I felt full after eating. But, what does one eat on the cleanse???
To give you an idea, here is sample of what I have been eating ont he cleanse:
Mon-Breakfast: Oatmeal (good carb), fiber drink, spark. Lunch: Salad made with lettuce, peppers, mushrooms, celery and turkey, almonds and a piece of fruit. Dinner: Baked chicken with a salad. Snacks: Fruit and almonds
Tues-Breakfast: Oatmeal, fiber drink, spark. Lunch: Turkey with whole wheat bread (not advised on plan, but I didn't know), carrots and hummus, and an apple. Dinner : Spaghetti squash with spaghetti sauce and a salad, Snacks: Fruit and almonds, dessert: an apple with peanut butter.
Wed-Breakfast: Oatmeal, fiber drink, spark. Lunch: salad, hummus, grapes, almonds. Dinner: eggs with veggies and a corn muffin. Dessert: More Grapes!
You see, this was just the first three days, here are some of my other meals while on the cleanse:
I am not going to sit here and say that you should go out and cleanse right now. But, I will say this-I feel better, more energized and more alert. I didn’t think it was hard to eliminate a few things from my diet while on the cleanse-I figured it was only 10 days, I think I can handle it. One thing I learned about myself if that I don’t have as big of a sweet tooth as I thought. It has been pretty easy for me to pass on the ice cream and Hershey kisses. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t mind having one-but I haven’t been craving it.
Will I do another cleanse-probably in 3 months because it is recommended to do every 3-4 months. I also really like the way it makes me feel everyday. I don’t get the afternoon munchies nor do I feel like I want to chew my arm off by the time I get home from work.
Have a great day everyone!
Images are from healthykrit@gmail.com
Kristi healthykrit@gmail.com
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